Before and After | June 5, 2018

kayla kohn, portrait, lawrence kansas, baldwin city kansas, kayla kohn photography, black and white, editing, small presets

For photographers, learning how to edit and use your camera is a long adventure that never ends. As I go I continue to learn every single day and new way to edit and I know I’ll continue to learn for the rest of my life. It’s actually one of my very favorite things about photography. The learning process could never ever end.

kayla kohn, portrait, lawrence kansas, baldwin city kansas, kayla kohn photography, black and white, editing, small presetskaylakohnphotography (1 of 2)-2

Canon 6D II, ISO 500, Sigma Art 35mm, f 1.4, 1/125sec Shutter Speed

Edited in Lightroom

Applied Preset: Smal Wild 10, upped the exposer +.70, adjusted Blacks + 20, Adjusted shadows -40, Upped White clippings 86, Adjusted tone curve and finally added grain.



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